The Imaginarium of J.M. Adkison

Grumpy Wumpy was a Bear...

Published by J. M. Adkison under on 7:21 PM
There is a little saying that goes in my family when someone is strongly expressing their negative emotions. It goes like this..."Grumpy Wumpy was a bear, Grumpy Wumpy had no hair."

I could act like a high school English teacher and dig into this rhyme to find the deeper, existentialist purpose and how it relates to human passion, the Forbidden Fruit of the Knowledge of Good and Evil and the author's psychological instability created by an abusive home life, drug usage and hatred of society...but basically the rhyme means that being grumpy leads to more grumpiness, which will eventually lead to excessive hair loss.

Though when I went through middle school and my big-hair days (we all had them), my mom used to say "Grumpy Wumpy was a bear, Grumpy Wumpy had lots and lots of hair!"

Anyway, you might be wondering why I am writing about this wierd little house-hold rhyme. Well, I've been feeling excessively Grumpy Wumpy-ish today. VERY.

Perhaps its because I only got a few hours of sleep this weekend-and those precious hours of sleep I recieved was spent on rock ground in a damp sleeping bag. (For those of you who don't know-I'm high maintenance-call it a family curse or genetic trait, ask anyone in my family-we all are)

Today, everything just seemed to go wrong.

It all started with the swine flu-the latest epidemic in today's news. I wasn't sure what it was all about-but because of it I didn't let my-self eat any of the sausage, which just made my day bad right there.

Tangent: Why does the next mass-hysteria have to be called the "swine flu" that is so...anti-climactic. If there is going to be a plague that could potentially cause high death-tolls at least give humanity some sense of honor and call it something worthy of Hollywood. Such as the Neo-Black Plague, the Great Disease or the Apocalyptic Cold. Wouldn't just stink if humanity was killed off by something called the swine flu (no pun intended)

Back to me: So, since this morning-I've dealt with a boring breakfast, a really bad lunch (there were no buns for my burger and there was way too much peanut butter and no jelly (Kenzie-I feel your pain)), I had to study for a stats test, I had to take a stats test (which is never a rainbow in my day) and work on a really, really, really long and tedious photography project that caused me to nearly have a nervous break down in the computer lab today. As for that project, I got through half of the project, only to see the computer freeze up and quit when I tried to save-so I had to start all over.

And to top it all off-Heroes had a very anti-climactic season finale. Some cool things happened, but once again...Nathan died, again, Sylar survived, again, and Hiro lost his powers, again. Oh, and Claire's dad lied to her, again. And Allie Larter is back in the show after dying, again. I think the writers are just recycling their ideas, maybe they need another Writer's Protest to jog their creative juices 'cause the first season was AMAZING.

But alas-my day is still NOT over and I want it to be so much. Hopefully it will go better tomorrow.

Hopefully I'll put some more posts up.

To the Angel of the Church in Adkison write...

Published by J. M. Adkison under on 9:39 PM
Well, sorry about not having written anything in a really, really, really, really long time. There just hasn't been very much to write about as of late. Life was going alright, till this night (Monday night) when it all of the sudden went great!

Tonight we had our last social club meeting of the year. For those of you who don't know, I am in the social club Beta Omega Chi (BOX for short) and it is basically the greatest club/frat in the history of universities every where.

And tonight, they elected me Spiritual Life Director.

Not to sound really cheesy, but I am so honored.

I already have somewhat of a reputation as a preacher in the group. That is...a hellfire and brimstone preacher. I'll never forget that day on 3rd floor Keller during visitation week when I was told to yell out the loudest, fiercest and "brimstone-est" sermon I can holler. So, I cleared my throat and summoned the old, crazy-eyed hellfire preacher hidden deep inside of me, and I gave a quick sermon. I sermon that involved the usual: an urgent call to repentance, the unending agony of hell, the damnation of the lost and the fact that in the end, Satan's demonic, half-breed children will crawl up from the underworld to devour those not saved. And thus, I entered the club.

I thought the girl running on the sidewalk below looked like a person in need of a good, morbid sermon. She didn't come forward, but I like to think I planted a seed.

During pledge week, I was called on yet again to preach to the masses, this time, from the back seat of our former club president's car. So, I sat in the backseat, my head pocking out of the window, screaming out the greatest verses of Revelation. I was to preach all the way from Downtown Church of Christ back to Harding, which is only about a mile away-but it seemed to be so much longer. So much painfully longer. And what made it worse, we stopped at a red light.

So here I am, screaming at the top of my lungs about fire raining down from the heavens, demons popping out from the ground and the anti-christ jumping out on to the stage saying "Surprise"!!!! Luckily our most honorable president let me finish my sermon early because my voice was going and I was about to start coughing up blood.

And that is why I love BOX so much.

So, here I am, the Spiritual Life Director (which is no small position) for this amazing club. Boy, am I nervous. But, boy, do I feel ready. I just ask all of you guys reading this that ya'll pray for me next semester that I live up to the expectations of my club next year. I just pray that I don't mess this up. But, I don't think I will-'cause this little verse popped into my head.

"...for such a time as this..." from Esther.

Well, I don't know if it is that dramatic, but I know I got this position for a reason. And I'm going to fulfill that reason. Even if I do have to give a sermon or two on the seven-headed dragon and his evil babies if I have to. (ha-ha)

So, here I go.

P.S. In case you were wondering-this was my pledge name

(In dramatic, harsh voice)

Blood-Sucking Creeps that Prey on Young Girls...How Romantic

Published by J. M. Adkison under on 9:21 PM
It is a phenomenon that is sweeping the crowded shelves of every bookstore in the the world. It is a wide-spread mania that is driving causing girls to scream with delight. It is a fad that that has suddenly replaced the brave and bold Harry Potter with the dark and daring Edward Cullen.

This event is known as...well we all know Twilight.

And where on earth has it come from? Besides the mind of a BYU graduate, it seemingly came out of thin air and instantly all the little girls are loving it-without any rhyme or reason. It sounds like something Disney would do, you know force something to become famous, whether the world likes it or not.

With the end of the epic Harry Potter series, young-adult fantasy authors clamored to take the throne that J.K. Rowling abdicated. And Stephanie Meyer came out of nowhere to seize it before experienced fantasy heavy-weights like Neil Gaiman or Garth Nix could make their claims. Sadly, Mrs. Meyer's novels aren't exactly as uni-gendered as Harry Potter was...sadly, it is ultimately young, tween to teen girls. Boy, now guys can't even peruse through the young-adult section without looking like their trying to find the next Twilight novel or one of its ridiculously-covered copy cats.

Which brings me to my next point-all of those stupid-looking books that have been copying Twilight's vampiric story-lines and dark romances. Their covers are stupid looking with teenage girls leaning against pale, sleek looking guys dressed in black but out-of-this-world-good-looking who are obviously vampires. It is the sort of things teen girls are going after now: lip-gloss, Hannah Montana music, Zac Efron movies and the blood-sucking un-dead.

Whatever happened to the days when vampires were purely gross and gruesome and reserved for Gothic people who try to file their teeth into fangs? I wonder how Gothic girls feel about their beloved Lords of the Night becoming adored by glitzy, giggling tween-agers? It's kinda like Hannah Montana doing a tour with Marylin Manson.

I wonder how many parents know that their children are reading about a young girl getting seduced by a blood-sucker who stalks her-and later impregnates her with a child that tries to eat its way out of her. Not so innocent as we thought-huh?

Well, at least the demon-baby wasn't born out of wedlock.

I've heard from several friends who have read the books-I even read a little bit of the first book on a rainy day (I was really bored and I wanted to know what all the hype was about)-and they all say that the main character Bella becomes super-hot AFTER she becomes a blood-sucker. The novels are also fraught with sexual undertones that are covered by Edward not wanting to "bite" Bella, but Bella kind of wants to be "bitten"-If you get my drift.

Hey what's better than spending eternity as an undead creature who has to drink blood to survive-as long as you get to spend it with the one you love?

Being seventeen forever isn't as fun as it sounds now is it?

I'm not one of those people who think that Stephanie Meyer is trying to corrupt the young girls in our society-I really don't think she is a bad person at all, but her novels aren't exactly as kid-friendly as we all want to believe.

It is really weird though-parents from every loop in the Bible Belt were up in arms against J.K. Rowling for her "satanic" series that taught kids witchcraft-when in fact she made up her own spells from Latin words-take Latin, you'll see what I mean. But I have not heard a single parent, besides my own mom, speak out against this dark, sexual and glittery-gothic series. At least J.K. Rowling didn't have sex in her books-excessive kissing yes-but no sex.

What I want to say is-if blood-sucking, cannibalism and the undead has suddenly become the new "hot", then our society is really going drain-in a very unexpected way. Perhaps its a Gothic ploy to make being pale the new tan.

Now that would be scary.

