The Imaginarium of J.M. Adkison

Grumpy Wumpy was a Bear...

Published by J. M. Adkison under on 7:21 PM
There is a little saying that goes in my family when someone is strongly expressing their negative emotions. It goes like this..."Grumpy Wumpy was a bear, Grumpy Wumpy had no hair."

I could act like a high school English teacher and dig into this rhyme to find the deeper, existentialist purpose and how it relates to human passion, the Forbidden Fruit of the Knowledge of Good and Evil and the author's psychological instability created by an abusive home life, drug usage and hatred of society...but basically the rhyme means that being grumpy leads to more grumpiness, which will eventually lead to excessive hair loss.

Though when I went through middle school and my big-hair days (we all had them), my mom used to say "Grumpy Wumpy was a bear, Grumpy Wumpy had lots and lots of hair!"

Anyway, you might be wondering why I am writing about this wierd little house-hold rhyme. Well, I've been feeling excessively Grumpy Wumpy-ish today. VERY.

Perhaps its because I only got a few hours of sleep this weekend-and those precious hours of sleep I recieved was spent on rock ground in a damp sleeping bag. (For those of you who don't know-I'm high maintenance-call it a family curse or genetic trait, ask anyone in my family-we all are)

Today, everything just seemed to go wrong.

It all started with the swine flu-the latest epidemic in today's news. I wasn't sure what it was all about-but because of it I didn't let my-self eat any of the sausage, which just made my day bad right there.

Tangent: Why does the next mass-hysteria have to be called the "swine flu" that is so...anti-climactic. If there is going to be a plague that could potentially cause high death-tolls at least give humanity some sense of honor and call it something worthy of Hollywood. Such as the Neo-Black Plague, the Great Disease or the Apocalyptic Cold. Wouldn't just stink if humanity was killed off by something called the swine flu (no pun intended)

Back to me: So, since this morning-I've dealt with a boring breakfast, a really bad lunch (there were no buns for my burger and there was way too much peanut butter and no jelly (Kenzie-I feel your pain)), I had to study for a stats test, I had to take a stats test (which is never a rainbow in my day) and work on a really, really, really long and tedious photography project that caused me to nearly have a nervous break down in the computer lab today. As for that project, I got through half of the project, only to see the computer freeze up and quit when I tried to save-so I had to start all over.

And to top it all off-Heroes had a very anti-climactic season finale. Some cool things happened, but once again...Nathan died, again, Sylar survived, again, and Hiro lost his powers, again. Oh, and Claire's dad lied to her, again. And Allie Larter is back in the show after dying, again. I think the writers are just recycling their ideas, maybe they need another Writer's Protest to jog their creative juices 'cause the first season was AMAZING.

But alas-my day is still NOT over and I want it to be so much. Hopefully it will go better tomorrow.

Hopefully I'll put some more posts up.


Anonymous said... @ May 2, 2009 at 6:40 PM

Oh John Mark.... You do crack me up. I actually laughed out loud.

And thank you for telling me the end of Heroes.... Now I will not have to suffer through all the same boringness as always. Did Nathan die for good this time? I hope it was at least to sacrifice his sorry, stab-you-in-the-back buttocks for his family.

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