The Imaginarium of J.M. Adkison

Rain and Bad Romance

Published by J. M. Adkison under on 9:46 AM
So I'm sitting in the library writing this and listening to Lady Gaga's latest phenomenon-Bad Romance (right now it's at the french-speaking part). Oh, and I did I mention-it's raining...again.

I seemed to have developed a bad romance with rain. During my pre-Harding years, the rain was one of my great loves. The dark, sinister clouds crowding the sky, rumbling with thunder and frenzied electrons, hurling lightning bolts and sheets of water were enough to excite the imagination of any preadolescent. There was also another reason why I loved rain: no lacrosse. Lacrosse could not have picked a better season than the season of april showers and may flowers.

Rain is one of those epic/romantic settings God sent the world for love-lulled couples to kiss in and for dramatic scenes of good vs. evil facing off once and for all (Matrix Revolution anyone?)

Rain meant going outside, spinning around in the wet air, singing with the thunder and playing with lightning. But now , we have a bad romance.

Rain now means getting drenched on my way to class, trying to cross teacherous rivers of dirty water on my way to the cafeteria, having to change my shoes three times a day because they're sogging beyond repair. And Harding doesn't help any in that area. Thanks to our crudely made sidewalks and awful drainage system, Harding University quickly becomes the lost city of Atlantis, complete with currents that take you to your classes and mermaid ring ceremonies.

The sun has been hidden by darkness-but light always wins-I just hope it does soon and before I have to change shoes again.


Anonymous said... @ December 8, 2009 at 7:04 PM

Rain boots are a marvelous thing, my friend. Though honestly waders might be more efficient. But I agree whole-heartedly. The rain here drives me crazy.

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